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How do I cancel my account?
Once you have logged in to the site, enter the page Account settings, click the button 'Freeze my account', and choose the reoson.
After freezing the account, no one can see you any more on the website nor your previous activity.
To delete your account, press on the button 'Delete My Account' on the same page, enter your password and choose the reason. Notice that you can't reactivate your account after deletion.

How can I hide my last Login time?

How do I write to a woman?
Enter a woman's profile page, click the 'Start Test' button.
If you passed the test she defined, you will be shown a link to send her a message.

I forgot my password, what do I do?
Enter the page Forgot your password and enter the email you have registered with.
In the email that you received, click on the link, which will direct you to a page informing you about your new password.

Contacting customer service

Is the email accurate? Otherwise, we'll forced to ignore this message
Good answer:
Still send your message?

For financial issues only, you can call from Sunday to Thursday between 13:00-15:00